We can make it even easier for people...
Let's say you want to view the output of their dmesg
You'd tell them to enter the following:
alias report="curl -F 'file=@-' 0x0.st"
dmesg | report
... then have them post the URL that it returns. If you need further configuration files from them, they don't need to re-enter the | curl -F 'file=@-' 0x0.st
bit, they'd just append | report
to a command.
The devs might think about making that alias permanent by setting it in /home/$USER/.bashrc
# Set up 'report' alias for sharing configuration files with Zorin help
# Use it like this:
# dmesg | report
# cat /etc/default/grub | report
alias report="curl -F 'file=@-' 0x0.st"
... then we'd just have to tell people to enter, for instance, dmesg | report
If Zorin devs are worried about relying upon a third-party for such a function, they could clone the service and run it: