Add duckduckgo in the zorin search start page

@anon2532484 Based on duckduckgo's censorship I will not be using it at all - perhaps the thread should state how to add 'mojeek' to the Zorin start page instead! :upside_down_face:

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Giving it a try now thanks. :wink:

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maybe the Zorin developers should allow adding custom engines in general

Startpage would be a good choice too :slight_smile:

Perhaps Yandex should be the default search engine!

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Yandex probably down-ranks a lot of things too due to it's russian nature, too bad the government can force things like this :confused:

The best thing to do would be to give the freedom to choose the search engine, while not keeping it limited to just google and DDG. May be the ZorinGroup can add a setting menu where we can select other search engines of our choice.

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Just currently looking at Metager as I have left Duckduckgo now will let everyone know how I go along with it, also love SearX. It was a pity with Duckduckgo as the ! funcionality was good, but they have discredited themselves in my eyes now, I know that they annonmyse the data search to Bing but I cannot use them anymore.

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SearX is what is on my un-Googled smartphone from - now Murena.

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Cool, are you on v1.0 already? Still waiting for the ROM for my device. Sorry for being off-topic.

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Yes on 1 now - it now comes with Advanced Privacy - which you have to turn on when you select 'more' - this provides total block on trackers (so no need for the tracker blocker - forgot what it is called as haven't got phone by me, fake location (uses proxy to connect to internet), and hidden IP address - however, if you want to look at a website in your country, you won't be able to so you have to turn this off!


Good choice sir

Agree Comrade.