Attaching files to Thunderbird via drag & drop

Hi, welcome to the community.

I'd recommend breaking this down into separate threads to keep things organized.

  1. Mouse pointer not visible after returning from sleep mode.
  2. Nextcloud not mounting automatically, and intermittent permission issues.
  3. Attaching files to Thunderbird via drag & drop.
  4. Set the columns of one folder to a default for all.

Let's do one at the time, starting with #3 since it's likely the easiest to address.

As you saw from the thread you linked to, one possible cause for file permissions is due to the package format. Did you already followed the steps I mentioned over there to determine that? Launch a Terminal from the applications list and run:

flatpak list

If you see Thunderbird listed there, it's most likely a file permission issue. You can then install something called Flatseal from the software store, and use it to grant exceptions to wherever location that you need in your system:

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