Auto-complete commands in terminal in Linux

there is option in Linux to auto-complete the command line in terminal without using tab, i mean like the code editors do?

Default bash shell doesn't have that feature.

Try Fish shell:

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I think also zsh has it if you install powerlevel10k.

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I'm trying it now, but i think it is not good enough in the auto-complete, i think it complete from the history typing(regardless it is right or wrong). it's similar to the code editors when the IntelliSense of the language programming when it is not working it complete with history typing. i think in intellisense for the commandline that complete and suggest new and right complete not depend on the wrong history

I am using the same autocomplete listed in kcaps guide and it autocompletes the entire command from history.

You can also hit up-arrow or pgup to view previous lines in history.

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I'm rather new at Linux.

My Zorin OS 17 Core came with Autocomplete disabled in /bin/bash.bashrc.

I enabled it and now it works.

I followed these instructions:

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