Badly installed keyboard

Good evening, I am installing Zorin 15.3 lite x32 on an Amilo and I am unable to adjust the keyboard, I have it well selected but the keys on the right mostly do not correspond.
When I press the keys, I get the results you see in the picture
rules: evdev
model: fscaa1667g
layout: es


What is your locale / language set to?

Thanks for answering
It is Spain/Spanish

Spanish is the only layout?

I am already stumped.:expressionless: Usually this happens due to having multiple layouts in use...

The virtual keyboard (Onboard) seen in the first photo works correctly

Have you tried testing a Different keyboard, or the same keyboard plugged into a different USB port (Do not use a USB Hub).

I just tried with a usb keyboard and it works fine

Is this a notebook -is the malfunctioning keyboard a built in keyboard?

Yes, yes, on windows it works fine

have you tried:

sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-all

I have executed "sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-all"
Reboot and keyboard has the same problem

Does the screenshot above say that Zorin Desktop is no longer being used?
You might need

sudo apt install --reinstall zorin-os-lite-core zorin-os-lite-desktop

We have seen this before. It is intregral Numerical Keypad being activated, i.e. numeric instead of alphanumeric characters also associated with those keys.

I will try and search the solution that worked last time.

EDIT: This is the thread I was thinking of.

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Ok, thanks.
Any other test to solve the problem?

Thank you for helping.
When you press the FN key, the keyboard writes correctly on the keys that I framed in the second photo of the post.
But this has no solution?

:grinning: :grinning: How many headaches thinking and thinking when there really was no problem.
How many headaches thinking and thinking when there really was no problem.
Thank you very much for your help @ zabadabadoo, @ Aravisian :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:


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