Black Screen while booting

I installed Zorin 3 months ago (dual-boot with windows).
I tried to boot into zorin but it black-screened.

(Mentioning this in case it is useful: I ran out of space and was switched to windows to see if I could extend the partition size. All I ended up doing was creating a new unallocated space and deleting.)

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So you can still boot into windows at this point? And by black screen, no error comes up when selecting Zorin from Grub, it just remains a black screen? If you can get into windows, can you take a screenshot of your disk partitioning so we can see that as well.

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I'm sorry, I forgot to include it's also slightly purplish and I get to the Zorin logo

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When You installed Zorin, did You chooed the Option ''Install Zorin alongside Windows'' or the ''Something else'' Option and You have manually create the Partitions?

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I believe chose "Install Zorin alongside Windows" but I had I created another partition

So immediately I see that your EFI partition (partition 1) has nothing there. At least, it says so on this screen shot. Where would your Zorin boot information be stored? I find it weird that there's nothing there. In fact, all your partitions save for windows claims there's 100% free space. If we had an install of Zorin present, there should be SOMETHING. Can you get into those partitions and see what's actually there or not?

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Use a Zorin Live USB to examine the partitions windows cannot access.

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I'm not sure how I can get into the partitions
The partition for Zorin is supposed to be partition 6

Can you explain a bit more?

From the USB you used to install Zorin, Boot it and "Try Zorin" and use file manager to see if there is anything on partition 6 or the partition manager in Zorin.

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Yeah once you get into the live usb check there and see if there's anything. If there's not, I'm wondering if the install failed or something happened along the way?

If so, it's always possible to manually select partition 6 are your /(root) and have partition 1 as your EFI boot partition. I'm wondering when you were deleting stuff that maybe some other stuff accidentally got deleted along the way.

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@applecheeks37 @banger

Ok yeah that's definitely a full partition lol. You could try running boot-repair off the live USB and see if that fixes the boot issue. Ideally we would get you some more space, and you could, but might as well run the boot-repair and see if that fixes anything.

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