Bluetooth is turned on but I cannot make it work

My dongle is plugged in and the bt in the settings is cycling through searching for devices>no bluetooth found>bluetooth turned off, vice versa. Is there a fix for this?

Hi, have you got all the blutooth packages installed? Bluez, BlueMan?

I do have both of them installed already.
When trying this thread's method I get this error.

OK. Please open a terminal and post back the results of:

sudo lshw -C network

This appears, also tried some checking commands and got these results. I have 2 dongles plugged in but both of them doesnt work.

Can you preferably post images by uploading direct to the forum, using the "Upload" tool in the reply box toolbar (7th from left). Some, do not enjoy visiting 3rd party image website to view them. Thanks. Zab

PS: For very large log files etc, it would be a different story :slight_smile:

Yes, sure thing. Here's a pic of a cute puppy for ya

It looks like the module is missing for your kernel.
Can you try

sudo apt install --reinstall linux-modules-extra-6.5.0-25-generic

and relay the output here?

I tried this before and it only shows me this:
reinstall linux modules

That looks just like the command to install the Wifi Driver, not the Kernel Modules.

Even so, that command indicates that the driver may not be a compatible build.
What is your Realtek product?

sudo lshw -C netowork

We may need to try a different driver.

This command doesnt give any results. As for a realtek product, I believe these are csr dongle. Not even sure if these are legit tbh as they both look physically different.

Ah, ...You were trying to install the RTL (Realtek) driver.

Looking up Cambridge Silicon led to:

I have found a lot of discussion of this in regards to GnuLinux support- But have yet to find any support or GnuLinux compatible drivers.

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Is rtl separate from csr type of driver? Are they not compatible? Btw thanks for going as far as even looking up about this, I have no clue what I'm doing without you guys and I dont even know what to search anymore.

Different manufacturers can have different drivers.

Hardware is programmed by the manufacturer - that is its Operating System. While you may use a user interface operating system like Windows or GnuLinux, it cannot operate or drive that hardware. Instead, it communicates with it as that hardware governs itself.

Hardware needs specific drivers in order to communicate with the User Interface.

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Owww I didnt know that

Interesting long read here:

Would be better to spend money on Linux Bluetooth hardware:

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