Is there a book (Zorin for dummie)? If not are the any recommendations for books to learn zorin for a newby? Also, I don't know how to get the software to run windows programs in zorin.
Have you checked @swarfendor437's Unoffcial Manual?
You can find a working link, here:
This is why I tagged Swarfs handle ; since he does move the manual around from time to time.
Aaah thanks. It works.
I did click the link on his profile too and it took me to the same "page not found"
@den @Aravisian Thanks for the heads up. Will change Profile, and update thread. Murena is becoming a sad joke. I have been notified by email that they have recovered my data up to a date in June last year. I wanted to download to my phone but ... the browser is out of date. I will need to wait for /e/OS 2.7/Android 14!
Welcome to the Forum!
You mean the Windows App Support? If yes: What Problems You have in Detail?
Can also look here
since I just wrote that out...
I remember trying it out when they were just getting started, and well, it was very amateur-ish but hoped they would improve with time. A few rounds of funding and several years later, they still had the exact same issues. And now, it seems they are still struggling with them...