Boot menu not showing and booting straight into windows 10

Hello, I installed Zorin OS on my pc as a dualbloot with Windows 10, the installation was flawless, however when I restarted my pc, the grub boot menu never showed up and booted into windows 10.

Any help is appreciated.

There's a key you have to press to get Grub to come up (it varies by if you're booting from a BIOS or a UEFI machine... usually hold down either Shift or Esc), unless you've edited the Grub configuration file so it shows each time you boot:



Grub should default (GRUB_DEFAULT) to the last OS you booted.

There should also be a key you can press to change the boot order and boot directly into any given OS... on my HP machine, it's F9. So if you can't get into Grub using the above, try to find what key to press to change the boot order, boot into Zorin OS, then edit the grub configuration so it always shows, as detailed above.

@Prem1 Welcome to the community!
Please note:
It is important to note that you should update GRUB whenever you install a new operating system or make changes to your current system's partition layout or bootloader configuration. Updating GRUB ensures that all operating systems installed on your system are detected and listed properly in the boot menu.

This is done by issuing the command sudo update-grub.

The above command initiates scans of the system for installed kernels, operating systems, and other bootable configurations, and creates a menu to allow you to choose which operating system to boot. Once the probe for installed operating systems and configurations finishes, it generates a new GRUB configuration file based on the current state of the detected systems.

A good example of this command in-use is when a kernel update is downloaded and applied to your system. If you watch the progress of the install in your terminal, you'll see the output of the GRUB update command. It also does not hurt to run the sudo update-grub command even if no changes to your system are made. Simply open up the terminal and run it to see a simple output list of what the command does.

Grub-Customizer is a nice little tool I've found that you may find useful.

sudo apt-get install grub-customizer - This will install version 5.1.0-2 of grub-customizer, assuming it is available in the repositories enabled on your system. Link to launchpad PPA page if you don't have the repo on your system.

grub-customizer will allow you to have a GUI to work with when making changes to GRUB. Sometimes I find things like this useful when making changes to system settings due to volatility if done incorrectly.

Maybe try this from Aravision's post: No Grub, unexpected issue using boot repair - #2 by Aravisian

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