Choice of Password Manager(s)

For a long time, I've been logging in and out in every account that I have for all platforms that I use by remembering the passwords. But there are times where I forgot them and ended up using the forgot password feature. And two days ago I started wondering on how about I try to use password manager to help me managing all of them. So then I installed Pass, The Standard Unix Password Manager.

I wanna know from your perspectives, what is the password manager(s) of your choice?? Primarily I'm looking for an offline/local password manager(s).

Do you want them to sync across multiple platforms? Browsers today usually include one. Google and Microsoft offer one, then you have several to choose from if you just want it on your computer.

Another possibility is to make your passwords easy for you to remember. You could try Creating memorable, difficult to guess passwords

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I just want to use it locally. But if there's any case I want to use my passwords on other computer, I'd just bring the file with inside a flashdrive rather than putting it on cloud services.

yeah, I heard so many Linux and Privacy focus content creators recommended Bitwarden (and also KeepassXC). It stores your passwords in their cloud services, but you can also self-host it by yourself. But I haven't search up how to self-host it bcs I saw most self-host, you rlly have to setup your own server for it and I don't have the money for that. That's why I prefer password manager that stores it locally in my computer.

I use Bitwarden ,because it stores passwords in the cloud and can be used on multiple devices.
for an offline password manager I like keepassxc

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What's your opinion on KeepassXC?? Like on how it handle and store your passwords?? Does it create a file per password?? Or does it hold all the passwords inside one file??

I haven't used it since a lot
I guess it stores it in one file/database
You can try it yourself and see.

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A password protected local storage database is really good security for one device. For multiple devices a cloud based browser extension is more convenient because you can create passwords from any device with out manually updating a database on each device.

I've been using Bitwarden for the last three years and it's the best one I've tried so far. It works across devices, browsers and Os's, it's open source and works well. I had bad experiences with password managers in the past. Some of them are proprietary, so if the company behind it closes or have issues, your passwords are lost forever. Some other prioritize just one platform (like the ones created for macs) and will lock you on a single OS or a particular device. Bitwarden works across OSs browsers and Devices, and and it's free. Highly recommended.


I personally use Bitwarden for the synchronization, but as an offline alternative to that I would recommend KeepassXC.

Works great, personally I find it the best compromise between security and convenience when it comes to passwords.

  • All passwords are stored in a single file so it's very easy to share it or store it externally as a backup. For this I recommend using something like Syncthing.

  • You can encrypt this file using a password, and in addition you can throw in a key file and/or a hardware key.

  • There's a built-in password generator that you can use to come up with strong random passwords automatically, following whatever restrictions you need.

  • One of my favorite features is the auto-type. You setup a keyboard shortcut for it, and it will detect the window currently in focus and it writes the username and password for that entry, if it exists. You can even setup more complex sequences if you like which is just great for those annoying forms where you are supposed to write things like addresses, company name, etc. This works with all windows, not just browsers, but unfortunately this does not work on Wayland (although there are browser extensions that you can use).


Does the software also change the file name after the encryption?? Does the file name changer really matter in password manager?? I don't really understand surrounding this topic but I saw someone mentioned they don't like pass (my current password manager) bcs it doesn't change the encrypted files name automatically using random names. I'm so sorry if I sound stupid but I just wanna make sure if it's really matter to the security aspect of a password manager.

What I mean by that is like this:

Screenshot from 2023-05-03 18-09-48
It automatically stores the password as an encrypted file, but it doesn't change the file name using random names such as using random alphanumerical.

Does it really matter for a password manager to manage the randomness of the password files name??

The name of the file remains the same unless you change it explicitly. I'm not sure why you'd want to change it every time... it just doesn't add any security benefit at all, meanwhile making it harder for you to select the correct file to decrypt and synchronize.

You can find out the type of file by running the file command on it. So even if it's completely randomized, in an attempt to "hide in plain sight", it's very easy to figure out which files are KeePass database files. What's important is that you use a strong password and optionally additional keys to protect it.

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Ohh okay, so it doesn't really give it more security to the file. Thanks for the explanation.

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