Completely removing Libreoffice

Hi everyone, Not long now before final zorin16, I hope.
I personally dont like having apps around on the system i dont use, especially if disk space is important. I prefer using OnlyOffice, so Libreoffice had to go.
I went into the software store and removed one at a time all of the Libreoffice apps, unfortunately when i went into the zorin app startup screen, under Office Libreoffice still has a icon that when clicked on, starts up the Libreoffice intro screen.
I went into terminal and ran :sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice*
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get autoremove
Checked apps under OFFICE and Libreoffice still there. just to add I've gone into hidden folders and there is under Home/.config there is a libreoffice folder containing a user folder.
Any help appreciated,
Thank you


Can you check if LibreOffice is installed as a Snap or a Flatpak?

snap list

flatpack list


Thanks for the reply, it was the default pack in zorin 16 beta, which i believe is flatpak.
I have used terminal again with sudo apt purge -y libreoffice*
This seems to have done the job
Was i on the right track?


If it is a Flatpak, then only Flatpak can remove it.

flatpak remove libreoffice

When i went into the zorin software store i opened up installed apps went down the list and clicked on "remove" for all the libre office apps. there was no { Just Libreoffice listed}.

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@lp-usb Hi, just curious. What do you like about OnlyOffice compared to LibreOffice? I find LibreOffice to be fast but the UI is a little clunky and crowded IMO. Is the UI cleaner or more modern in OnlyOffice?

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New to the forum. But, in my opinion Onlyoffice is the closest thing to MS Office out there. the menu structure, formatting and many of the functions are the same.


Thanks! I have been checking it out the past few days. It is quite impressive.

Thank you lp-usb, that sudo worked a treat :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum :robot:

I am glad to see you now empowered yourself with yet another magic command. I suggest you to have a look at this excellent tutorial by one of our volunteers to skill up your command proficiency.


Many thanks, looks very useful :slight_smile:


Another sudo command I'm saving in my back of tricks. Thanks for figuring this out. Worked like a charm.