Ctrl key is not working. It work sometimes but sometime not working

I tried to keymap but keymap also did not work. can anyone help with the issue? Is this the keyboard problem or the OS problem? I will need to buy a keyboard ASAP if it is a keyboard problem. I tried the keyboard checker website it showed that the ctrl not working.

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There's a built-in tool for this, it's in Settings > Region & Language > click the eye button on your language. Did you change the option on the gear button? Or tried changing input method in Manage installed languages? Did you notice a certain pattern for when it happens? For example certain specific software? Some may not have a use for Ctrl.


Do You have a Mechanical Keyboard? Should it be Hotswap, you could try to change the Switch and then test it.

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I did not change anything. it just happened like that. I checked the build-in tool and only the ctrl key is not working.

I don't have a Mechanical Keyboard

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Hmm ... And You doesn't have a second Keyboard to check ... It's maybe not the best Way, but can You ask a Friend or a Neighbor to borrow a Keyboard and test if the ctrl-Key work? When it work on another Keyboard, it could be that Your Board is broke.

Luca-Pavan's Way to check Your Keyboard Layout would be worth a View I think ...

What else ... When You have a Dual Boot System, you could check in Windows if the ctrl-Key ist working.


can you help me with keymapping the keys?? I tried but it's not working.

Both my laptops keyboards have 2 Ctrl keys.
Do you have 2? do neither work?

I think the problem is with my keyboard. I have one ctrl. can you help me with switching the keys by key-mapping their keys?

This thread may be worth a look: How to map a broken key to a replacement?

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If you're still encountering the "Error loading new keyboard description" despite the adjustments, you might want to simplify the process. Instead of creating a custom XKB map file, you can use the setxkbmap command directly in the terminal. Here's an alternative method:

  1. Open a terminal.

  2. Run the following command to swap the Ctrl and Caps Lock keys without using a custom XKB map file:

    setxkbmap -layout us -option ctrl:swapcaps

    This command instructs setxkbmap to use the "us" layout and swap the Ctrl and Caps Lock keys.

  3. Check if the keys are swapped correctly.

If this method works for you, you can add the setxkbmap command to your startup scripts or profile to make the change persistent across sessions:

echo 'setxkbmap -layout us -option ctrl:swapcaps' >> ~/.bashrc

After adding this line to ~/.bashrc, either restart your session or run source ~/.bashrc to apply the changes.

This approach uses a built-in option (ctrl:swapcaps) without the need for a separate XKB map file, which might help avoid certain compatibility issues.


To revert the changes and return the keyboard layout to its original state, you can use the following commands:

setxkbmap -layout us -option

This command will reset the keyboard layout to the default "us" layout with no additional options. It effectively removes the customization applied earlier.

Additionally, if you've added the setxkbmap command to your ~/.bashrc, you might want to remove or comment out that line to prevent the custom setting from being applied on each new terminal session:

# Remove or comment out the following line
# setxkbmap -layout us -option ctrl:swapcaps

To do this, open ~/.bashrc in a text editor and edit the line accordingly.

After making these changes, restart your session or run source ~/.bashrc to apply the modifications.

These steps should revert the keyboard layout changes and return your system to its original configuration.

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I have bookmarked your solution for future reference.

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