Dark Mode in KDE apps (under 16.2 Core edition)?

Hello everyone,

I've installed Zorin OS 16.2 Core (from the ISO image) on an old PC (i5-2500K, 16GB of DDR3 RAM, Asus P8Z68 Board, SSD) to replace the Windows 7 Ultimate It have been running on for 11-12 years. Everything OK and spectacular (Congratulations to the creators of this magnificent and beautiful distribution). I have configured it with total dark theme. But the KDE applications that I use (K3b, Kate, Dolphin etc) and have installed afterwards (via Zorin store), do not recognize this theme setting and are shown in white background without going into dark mode. Is there an option to force them together to go into total dark mode?

Note: I have tested another distribution with the Cinammon desktop and there is no problem with the recognition of the activated dark theme by KDE applications. They recognize the settings and go into dark mode automatically without issue.

Thank you very much!

sudo apt install qt5ct
And then open it and configure it. If you have doubts I'll be happy to assist you.


In addition to installing qt5ct, you must also adjust a config file.


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