Deb installer vs ppa install

when both options of installing via the terminal from a ppa repository and a deb file with the deb installer are available, is one option better than the other? are there pros and cons to consider? Thoughts?

IMO, with a PPA you can update easier than with a .deb.


I think you’re reading my mind. Am I understanding this correctly? If I install using gdebi, I have to monitor for and download updated .deb files. Using gdebi means I won’t be able to use apt update and upgrade commands for the app in question.

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Correct. However you install a .deb (sudo dpkg -i or synaptic or clicking or whatever), you’d need to download an updated version of the application and reinstall.
APT would need a repository.
To me, it’s quicker to use the apt commands than going to the .deb source, redownload new .deb, and then install again.


Thank you for the clarifying discussion. I had caught some of this in bits and pieces the past few months. I appreciate you helping put it all together. And yes, installing and updating via apt commands sounds like the way to go.


Thank you for that web page .... it made it a lot clearer for me to understand why everyone suggests using the terminal to download apps with ....

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