Dutch Translation

Hi all,

Today i noticed a few english words in the dutch translation.

When you pin the trash to taskbar:
Trash = Prullenbak

Right click on the taskbar:

  1. Zorin Appearance = Zorin Uiterlijk
  2. Lock Taskbar = Taakbalk vergrendelen
  3. Taskbar Settings = Taakbalkinstellingen

Start Menu:

  1. Zorin Appearance = Zorin Uiterlijk

Right click on a folder on your desktop (for some reason Zorin refused to take a screenshot on that):

  1. Compress 1 file = 1 Bestand comprimeren
  2. New folder with 1 file = Nieuwe map met 1 bestand

Right click on a folder in your home directory: (for some reason Zorin refused to take a screenshot on that):

  1. Folder's Color = Map kleur / Kleur van map (both are possible, personally i like the first)

Opening the zorin appearance app and navigate throught interface: Right tab

  1. Left Super Key = Supertoets links
    1a. Activities overview = Activiteiten overzicht
  2. Taskbar Settings = Taakbalkinstellingen

When you go into the zorin taskbar settings everything is in English

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I changed the category to Feedback.
Since it is not a technical question.

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Alright thanks for that @FrenchPress

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