ELAN 04f3:0c00 failed to Enroll

When I managed to nail the module name at the 3rd time, it didn't give me any output. I rebooted but still nothing

A successful modprobe won't give an output, like the last one did - which is good. That means it loaded the .ko module for the device.

After that, and rebooting, and checking if the Fn switch that controls the WiFi on/off makes a difference - does anything show in Settings under WiFi?

Use sudo dmesg | grep -i rtw to see what if your modules are loading - if that doesn't display anything, try 'wifi' or '8852' in place of 'rtw'.

The Fn switch doesn't make a difference.

This is what my settings shows under 'wifi'.

This is the output from sudo dmesg | grep -i rtw.

driver - Linux module verification failed - Stack Overflow - I see with something like this, there is an issue with the GPL keys holding the driver back..

@Aravisian would you happen to know if kernel module signature verification is enabled; or a bypass for the module? I've not had to deal with these issues..

I'm stepping away for a moment for food.. I'll be researching this verification thing in the process.

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Repeating the same modprobe command will not suddenly give success.
The error given is that there is no module for 8852be in the 6.3 kernel.

Continuing to run without the module taints the kernel.
What is your terminal output for

dpkg -l | grep linux-modules-extra

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Yeah - won't be of any help lol..

Direct firmware load for rtw89/rtw8852b_fw.bin failed with error -2 · Issue #172 · lwfinger/rtw89 · GitHub - This seems to be in a better direction, maybe? This person has the same output when trying to get going - wondering if this could be the fix..

@barney Can you see if these files are compressed in the .xz format or other in rtw89/?


This is the terminal output for dpkg -l | grep linux-modules-extra.

I checked both rtw89/ directories and I didn't find any .xz files

This is the /usr/lib/firmware/rtw89.

This is the /root where I installed the driver from Git.

I did some digging in this link that @PlumpKibbles sent:

...and I found the same issue. In the comments there was a hyperlink that brought me to this site, where I could download the missing rtw8852b_fw-1.bin file. I wrotesudo cp rtw8852b_fw-1.bin /usr/lib/firmware/rtw89 into the terminal, I rebooted and now everything is working as it should :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

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If all good, is your post #49 above now best marked as "Solution" than aravisian's post #13 which is currently marked as "Solution"?

I started out with one issue, and its solution has lead into another one. The solution to the issue mentioned in the title is @Aravisian's post.

However, upgrading the kernel made my then working wifi driver to go crazy and the solution to that is my post #49.

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Sa-weet!! :grin: I was going to suggest just grabbing the fw.bin file and copying it to the directory - have done this with my i915 drivers before :wink: Glad you got it going though!

Not having certain HW is a real buzzkill lol

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