Facebook thinks Zorin is malicious software ...?

I have also been exposed to facebook/meta

I made a Norwegian film about this https://youtu.be/ILitY30sOb4
yes I was damned, You can choose subtitles.

I also watched the following movie https://youtu.be/vluAl_inMbM?si=oiUtsRq13pYMmycB

I have also created an article about this topic on my website Det fremkommer tydelig att Mark Zuckerberg og hans Facebook-Meta ikke liker hverken Linux eller utbredt ytringsfrihet på facebook! – Velkommen til linux helt enkelt where you can also choose language

I'm shocked. I was vaguely aware of some of what you are saying, but not to this extent. I tend to stay away from mainstream news, having been more interested in self development, meditation and consciousness all of my adult life. I am somewhat out of society, especially by not having children (I had too many other challenges in life).

Through various nephews and nieces and friends' children I see the degradation in learning and speech. Young adults who cannot read a traditional clock, have no concept of grammar or vocabulary - and these are considered the educated ones.

A technical society requires educated, intelligent people that know how to maintain and develop all the steps that technology requires, starting from the raw minerals. I do see our civilisation at a fork in the road, and if we don't actively pursue a different path then this version is doomed. I also do see many encouraging signs. How about becoming a conscious civilisation based on empathy (for all of life, including resources), adding in wisdom where currently we have exploitation and greed.

I admire and applaud your efforts to educate and raise awareness with your students.


Huge companies, like Meta, Google and Microsoft, to mention a few, don't see human beings, they see numbers and monetization. That they have been allowed to grow so huge and influential isn't surprising, as we have never had this far-reaching technology, so it's all new and unprecedented, although humans have always exploited each other and their environment, they were restricted by their technology. Sadly, children are only seen as future users, so they get targeted without any empathy. Big Tech doesn't care about children being the future of the world, just something that needs to be hooked ASAP.

Quite why Facebook (Meta) is so anti Linux is a little puzzling - you can still use its platform and apps, so why ban everything related to Linux? One of the status updates I made last year was about Zorin. There is always that ubiquitous question: "what's on your mind?", so I posted: "Linux is on my mind..." and went on about my adventures with Mint and Zorin, and how surprisingly comfortable using Zorin is for those of us wanting to escape Windows. I didn't include any links, figuring that anyone can do a quick search themselves.

I did get a mixture of responses, from shocked (why, I'm not too sure), to one pensioner saying he thinks he's the only one who loves Windows 11! Some will find it difficult to change over to Linux, due to work requirements, and others will be frightened to make the change, if they can't tweak Windows, or understand why they should, Linux is scary territory. Chris Titus released a great video on YouTube last week about Linux for Windows Power Users: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlN5koqNY5U I might try sharing that on FB and see if it gets pulled down.

With the greatest respect for veteran Linux-only users, those in particular who have never used Windows 10 & 11, especially related to the company they work for, it will be difficult for you to understand just how hard it can be for individuals to quit Windows and make the switch to Linux. When your company uses MS Teams, and other MS programs / productivity apps, as an integral part of how their company works, you don't really have a choice. However, we can try to influence people by sharing our experiences, and relevant videos, to demonstrate that Linux doesn't have to be scary and difficult to use. InfinityGalactic is another YouTuber who makes some interesting videos about Linux, especially for newbies like me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d4454rouhI If I decide to log into FB, I will share both the videos I've linked above. I'll let you know if my posts get taken down.

nice vids !
gonna finish watching it later

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When this topic comes up, be sure to remind them that OpenAI had no problems mining the heck out of people's data for their own profit, but they are now upset that DeepSeek has done just that to them:

Which shows the immense hypocrisy of these tech giants, and the even more immense ignorance of people's awareness of the value of their data. Just imagine if these two companies alone would be willing to pay people for this data. Even if you "have nothing to hide", how would you like it to get paid for it?

I've found this is the most effective argument to make people aware of the value of their privacy: make them aware that they are missing out on a ton of money by giving away a valuable for free.


I agree Zenzen, unfortunately, it would take governmental regulations put in place, in order to force the companies to pay people for their data approach, as companies won't do it out of the goodness of their hearts.

We live in a time where corporations run amuck with very little regulation or consumer protections. The EU is far ahead of the US in that regard, just too much corruption going on.

Facebook as an entity, only cares about your data, they don't care about your social networking, as the site usage implied, way back when it started. Data equals profit for them.

zenzen, i have those boys for 2 hours tomorrow... ...

I will let you know what feedback I get :upside_down_face:


Just get them to fund you a server hosted by Digital Ocean with your own Social Web Network. All the tools are available.


The co-ordinator of Sheffield Linux User Group during lockdown only had to pay £5 a month to host a Jitsi Server on his Lenovo thinkpad with only 4Gb RAM with Digital Ocean!


I think it will be a natural progression, in the west at any rate. Not a single one of my students has a Facebook account. I only use mine when I need something, like finding out what is happening where I live. Road closures, water cuts, etc., all are posted on FB and X / Twitter, and I don't want Twitter on my phone, so I use FB but not even once a month.

Unfortunately, the vast majority are active TikTok users, which I think is far worse for "brain-rot" and manipulation.

Having said that, I think I will post those videos I shared on it (FB), simply to see what happens, and hopefully encourage some people to make the jump to Linux.

Today Jan. 19 2025, Meta told PCMag: “This enforcement was in error and has since been addressed. Discussions of Linux are allowed on our services."

Too little, too late.

A large number of appeals were denied.
Facebook took no accountability until it was reported publicly and reported in depth. Until then, they operated in complete denial.

They deserve zero benefit of the doubt and zero consideration.

Today Jan. 29 2025, Meta told PCMag: “This enforcement was in error and has since been addressed. Discussions of Linux are allowed on our services." My group was restored along with deleted Linux posts.

I believe this is the article that you are referencing?


Correcting an error is a big first step, but I have to agree with Aravisian and others in that this isn't excusable when there have been multiple appeals. The whole point of an appeal being to re-examine the evidence. Yet, the same answers were given.
Reportedly, the Distrowatch's Facebook account was blocked, even, for appealing this decision.

Too many errors to be considered an honest mistake.

On that same article:

“Up until now, we have been using automated systems to scan for all policy violations, but this has resulted in too many mistakes and too much content being censored that shouldn’t have been,” Meta added in the same post.

Now, this brings up an interesting point. Does using automated systems exempt you for the errors produced as a result of using such an automated system? I don't think so. You implemented such system and should be help responsible for whatever the outcome is.
That's the double-edged sword of automation: great benefit when it works fine, but also great liability when it doesn't. You can't just go and say things like: "Oh, well, you know, that's what the AI decided to do, not us, so it's not our fault".

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100% no it doesn't exempt you. But its an illustration of how the AI and automated systems are being referred to as though they were an external presence, a being that came in and decided to do all these things all by itself. Plausible deniability. Not very plausible to me.