Flickering screen and system is shutting down

Ummm now its shutting down as soon as it starts.

It just started doing this before you did anything else, right?

I changed grub parameter back to i915.enable_psr=0

Using Recovery Menu, are you able to remove that parameter entirely?

(I have removed the Solution mark since this issue is still unsolved)

See if the computer will boot and stay on (even with flickering).

I used recovery mode then i was in grub bootloader idk. Now its not shutting down the problem is still there. I got rid of parameter after that.

Which problem is still there?

Screen start blinking whenever i try to run any application

Ok... but at least now it is not immediately shutting down on startup...
So your current issue is:
Flickering and occasional freezing; computer will not shut down at the prompt, Correct?

Not freezing but the screen was blinking whenever i open any application.
So, here's what happened. I checked my cpu and all the connection inside. For now the problem is gone. But im unable to open any browser and vs code.

Ok, so i tried to reboot but its taking forever

Have you Checked Any Logs that may give some errors or clues as to what is going on?

Sorry for the very long delay... it has been hectic here.

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