Guess who's back!

I've been trying a lot of distros, really.
But I'm coming back to zorin, because I miss that fast distro...
I'll miss the AUR from arch linux. But I hope I'll find all the software I need

Well, even if you use another distro you are not prohibited to use the zorin forums :wink:

Welcome back.

Arch broke this guy.

Me, I started with Zorin Core + Chrome and am staying with it. It's great that other people can sit down at my computers and use them.

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I had the same issues with Arch, just became to unstable with the rapid rolling releases, Zorin has stability on its side for daily drivers lol

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Spent a lot of time experimenting with rolling releases and for me the Arch based distros haven't remained stable for long . I usually end up with package conflicts sooner than later even when careful about mixing repositories.


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