I've heard the Starlabs 7 is similar to the Starlabs 5 and 6 but with updated processors and a few other changes.
Has anyone got any experience using Zorin Core/Pro on Starlabs 5 or 6?
I see they are 2nd here so I assume everything is kosher so a second question is: Is the company good and privacy respecting?
As far as I'm aware, they offer most linux distros as an option when you go through to purchase a laptop. I believe they go for the open-source options when available, and prioritize linux support where they can (for instance wifi cards that already are supported without extra faff). At least, that's what I believe from the stuff I've seen from them in the past. So everything should be fine with working with zorin.
As for if they're good and privacy respecting, I have no idea how one would go about making sure of that. The fact that they use coreboot (or offer the option to use? the site's a little vague) tells me that they won't have any idea what you're doing on your system once it's at your door, if that's what you're referring to. As for your information when you purchase something and what they do with that, well I haven't heard of anything bad in the past. But I could be wrong, maybe someone else knows something that I don't.
Personally if someone such as Zorin is recommending them as a viable option, then you shouldn't need to worry much about that stuff. Presumably, they've chosen options that are good for beginners that shouldn't need much faff on the user end, while also (hopefully) making sure the company is above board and trustworthy.
Maybe someone else can tell you more or less, but personally I wouldn't have an issue purchasing one.