How is Zorin different from every other distro?

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I have spent several years using solid edge, freecad is as much a mystery to me as creo is! It is NOT intuitive, it is NOT anything, I have never "intuitively" managed to make even a basic model. Maybe it is intuitive for creo users, my new employer uses creo, to me it's one big mystery that anyone even accepts using it.

And it's not 3D CAD programming anymore, we have these things called UI's but some software creators who probably never got out of the command line way of working made things like creo and freecad.

Life is change. I too hate change but c'est la vie.

One alternative is you can consider seeing if your favorite applications run on Wine - which may also be an unpleasant experience.

A better alternative, from my own limited perspective of your situation, is to try and see if you can get Windows to accommodate your needs. It may be a lot easier for you than to acclimate to Linux. Otherwise your disappointment with Linux offerings may build to the point that you hate the OS - and that’s no good to you.

I’m likely being a contrarian given the other posters but it may save you grief down the road - at least for the short term.


I have another feelings. I find balance with both sides. Every people have some "-" and "+". I liked some functions in linux and windows. Linux for me is like a "yoga" or "tai chi" no overfull application, simple you can breath easier. Windows is some good for gaming and some software. Surfing on websides windows and many another things collect metadana your all information privacy and can be used the rules what you decided with google or gmail and etc. They can reading your e-mails, using your photos, you gived them full control what you sharing and etc. That why for security is better linux and some distribution like kodachi or Quebec, Tails.
I saw many usefull software for me. I understand everyone using a computer or operating system with near the same possibilities what decided how my pc must be slow,fast,extremely gaming. Everyone have some preferences.
I understand people who watching movies on youtube channel or another sides advertised product to trying example if Zorin will working with their expectations. For many people who bought a Pro and tried i believe they don't asking refund. Why? Credit Card mostly have a adult people and they are not screaming something going wrong or not working. That is example when I go shopping and buying fruits orange. Outside they are ok but inside you don't see that after out fruit skin.
The same is with Zorin Image.iso=fruit, when you installing that then you can rate if this is for you or not like a date with girlfriend was ok or not and never meeting together again. I know I can wrote books with my philosophy. :rofl:


You have not been on the forum long enough (yet) :stuck_out_tongue:

I encountered in more than one occasions people requested a refund either:
with a polite language in a reasonable manner :angel: or
call us by colourful names of the beast in a unreasonable manner :skull:

Hint: some people never grow up.


I liked your segregation Linux,Windows all are marked. I remember I asking my friendd why he's pants have this maroon a colour. He answear - because my wife keep eye on me and canfind dme a fast.

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I have a slightly off topic request.

Can anyone help me find a new car. I want one that can repair itself and change its own oil. It also needs to fill itself with fuel. I don't want to be bothered with those things, I just want to get in and drive.

I also want all the controls to be exactly like my old car. I want the wipers, horn, radio etc be in the same place and work just like on my old car because I don't want to have to learn anything new.

I will be impatiently waiting for help in finding this car because I am entitled to what I want.

Moderators feel free to remove this post if you find it offensive. I am just trying to follow the theme of this thread.


On the contrary!
Thanks for the best laugh of the day. I needed it!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


That is a culture a man. He wrote first with some "apology" then start a "movie history" and waiting for "rescue team" from Star Trek and on the end waiting for response what Moderators reaction like some Battle Star Wars. Great Action a man like a "John Wick" or "Lucky Luke".


I have bookmarked this post and I have no doubt that I will be referring to it in future.


That's what I did too!
It is a masterpiece to be remembered.


Funny, that is actually not what I wanted, you are stereotyping. Some of us have the brains to ask, maybe try it and walk away if it's not for us. I could try every distro on the planet for the same reason: they'd all tell me they are "the" solution.

If we want to draw comparisons:
It's like politics at least in the UK, one right wing party, they win because there is only one party, and then there are all the rest that are varying degrees of left of that right wing party, assuring us that they really are the best, guess who wins mostly..... It's not that the right wingers all agree with each other, but they set their relatively small differences aside and smash the other parties. Welcome to the users of OSes, there is one windows, but there are 1'000 "perfect replacements" - if only poor sods like me could figure out which one is not lying.... It's takes me less time to vote in something that controls my life than it does to try out one linux distro :joy::rofl:

For Comparison; you cannot just try out a spouse. Or purchasing a car, for that matter.
Such things require a certain level of commitment.
It's more like buying stock than it is tasting a pastry.

Using Linux on Zorin OS is easier for many when coming from Windows. You can usually install and use right out of the box.
However, in using Linux, there will always be a learning curve and the user must be willing to be committed to learning.


Interesting thread to say the least but photonicelectrons has admitted he hasn't even tried Zorin yet .... and as far as getting a guarantee he will like it is ridicules .... that is like saying if you buy these pants you are guaranteed to like them ....

No one can give a guarantee that you will like anything we all have different tastes ..... wants and desires and that is a great thing ..... did someone give you a guarantee you would like windows ????? I doubt it .... you grew to like windows after using it a while same as I did ....

Somewhere down the line M$ switched horses in mid stream and went from a decent people pleasing based organization to a money grubbing octopus that doesn't give a flip what people want or need just what they want ....

So like they say "vote with your feet" and that is exactly what I did I came to Zorin .... do I think Zorin is for you ???? I don't have the foggiest idea .... only you can answer that question but first by trying it .... there ain't no guarantees in this ol' world but two things .... death and taxes ....

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Actually I only asked how is it different from any other distro, like I said, every distro has promissed to be the one, you could swap all the mission statements around and be none the wiser.

If you had done your reading I did say I would give it a go, just waiting to have the time like at the start of the weekend. I am out of the house 12 hours a day, I don't have time to "just" install things that will take several hours to get set up on.

If you've ever done a re-installation of Windows you're in for a shock at how quick you'll have Zorin installed and running (spoiler alert, unless you've got some really obscure requirements it will not take anything like the time it takes to install the Windows OS, drivers, programs etc.)


Cannot agree more. Reinstalling Zorin OS for me is a very fast and easy. Maybe 30 minutes work.
Windows... It's hours of sitting there, occasional clicking a prompt. When that is finally done, then all the software reinstalling and configuring begins...


installing windows does not take long. putting any OS on a machine takes time as it is not just the OS itself but setting up all the stuff you use. Email accounts, connecting to the network drive, installing programs, no their don't all come preinstalled unless your a granny doing email and web browsing only.


Zorin OS - average 30 mins on a Spinning Hard Drive installation.

  • Can install faster on SSD.
  • Not including setting up emails...

Windows 10 - Average of 1 hour to three hours on a Spinning Hard Drive Installation.

  • Can install faster on SSD.
  • Not including setting up emails...

Whether it takes a long time or not... It's a matter of frame of reference. And preference. I mean...
Windows OS 10 or 11 boots up, faster, on average, Than Zorin OS does.
These are the Timed Facts. This boot time does not bother me. I can work on something else for that two minutes. OR go get something to drink and I do not have to worry about what it is doing when unsupervised while I do.

Installing Windows, for me personally, has always been a lesson in tedium, however.
This is also true on Linux- where the Direct Upgrade Option can take... a horrifyingly lengthy Four Hours. With the same tedious Monitor and Click on occasional prompts. It's murder.
As you can see in this example; it is not a statement of Linux=good and Windows=bad.

It's just users sharing about their common experiences. There are many Windows users here (dual boot) and I, myself, am on a couple Windows Forums, too.

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I could be sayed all distro linux are like Democratic-Republican Party or Federalist Party or American Party. You see the diffrences all they are people only changing a name Party. So the ideas people creating how to be a linux. People are differences then linux cannot be one distribution and always will be a diffrent and always something not working perfectly.
Sorry for my bad language grammary.