[HOW TO] Install KDE (plasma), GNOME, XFCE, Cinnamon, MATE, Budgie, LXQt, LXDE and UKUI Dekstop Environments

Oh c’mon, Bourne. There’s no fun like getting drunk and then tweaking a computer. :crazy_face:

PS - unless that’s not alcohol. Then no fun at all.

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I know that when I wake up next day and wondering what happens here? Some virus :rofl: but sometimes this help really and repair why? Because you forget stress and your mind see a mistakes. :grin:


Nice tutorial brother :heart: @Elegant_Emperor

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Please note this is a "Tutorial" thread and not a discussion re DE pro's and cons. That conversation is on-going here :wink:

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Yes. My mistake. This topic is something how to installing diffrents DE Desktop distribution themes and etc?

Top my bro!!

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But if i install kde, it installs a lower version that Arch does. How can I install the last version?

You are right...You will only get the max version allowed by the base ubuntu version. I will look into it tomorrow. It is night here.

Here's a guide that should help...

According to the guide, you should get most major updates by backporting, so they may be unstable.

Sorry but I did not test this....Because I don't experiment/test on my Zorin OS system...And the computer where I test, has Ubuntu 21.10 which already gets the latest stable updates for Plasma Desktop.

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I'll test it rn...

Installing KDE ruined my Zorin theme. Any way to fix it?

Use gnome-tweaks to reset all settings to default.

Unfortunately didn't, it's still broken.

Did you ensure all QT / KDE specific applications were removed using Synaptic and Reboot after resetting in Gnome Tweaks?

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Yes, I've removed all the applications starting with kde* or plasma*. I've also removed any files that contain the word kde in the home folder.

You might check ~/.config/gtk-3.0 and remove anything there that you did not place there.
Or you might just rename ~/.config to .config-bkp. log out and in, and check the themes appearance.

Thanks! Fixed! I just deleted some .gtkrc files and it started showing the theme correctly :smiley:

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XFCE Customization guide.

how to get Cinnamon 6 ?