How to make system wait for network during boot?

The problem is very similar in nature: a drive mount not being available due to external circumstances. In this case, the circumstance is simply network availability.

You add these options to the /etc/fstab entry for your network share. I see from your linked post that you already tried to use a the x-systemd.device-timeout option, but you might want to try x-systemd.automount, instead. This will basically avoid mounting it until it's explicitly accessed. Depending on your use case (I would say for most normal use cases) this will be long after network is available.

Updated from your other post:

[UUID=07ed2f0d-250d-4915-b4ac-2d5b8309e305 /mnt/grab btrfs defaults,rw,nofail,x-systemd.automount 0 0](//\040Media)
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