Hello, I'm using this old Asus ul50vt laptop for tinkering with and I currently have Zorin 17 on it. I have the Bios version 216 on it, but I'm trying to flash it with the final version 217 released for it but can't seem to get Easy Flash Utility to work. I've never really performed manual bios updates before, so I'm a tiny bit lost as to any other methods of getting this done.
Any error messages that could give a hint?
Have you tried downloading the update to different installation media?
I don't have ASUS so no direct experience. Maybe a wider websearch may give more advice than specific Zorin forum.
Just to add to what @zabadabadoo said, when it comes to BIOS flashing, you need to make sure the USB is formatted properly (and sometimes takes a few times, in my experience) to get it to recognize properly. And secondly, sometimes they want the BIOS file zipped (that's what you usually get when you download from their site) but they sometimes want the file non-zipped as well. I usually leave both on the drive, that way they can't complain one way or the other and I don't have to guess If I have the right format they want.
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