Hi, i want to install CBM4Linux, its a "driver"?, to connect a "Commodore 1581" to my computer with an adapter(XUM1541), im a total noob with Linux and havent got a clue how to install files or use the terminal for that metter, could someone help me and check if its possible, and tell me what commands to use. (there is a readme file but i dont understand and are to afraid to just experiment.
Sorry for being a IDIOT.
The driver should already be in the Linux kernel, but I couldn't say for sure. I did find this, but I am not sure if it will help you.
You might need someone more knowledgeable on this subject to help you. Additionally, I did check to see if this driver could be found in Synaptic Package Manager, before running a Google search, but didn't find the file in Synaptic.
The driver is over 10 years old - it could be a problem as it's only been tested with kernel 2.x and we are at kernel 6.x now. Have you tested if the driver isn't in your current kernel?
I looked at the cbm4linux3.2 package... And it is not possible to install on Zorin OS 17. Or 16 or 15... You would run into some pretty hefty API issues.
You could try installing it and running in a Virtual Machine running... Ubuntu 6...
But I really think that will carry it's own headaches.
I went looking for alternatives and the closest I have found is OpenCBM:
Which... Could be installed and run on Zorin OS 15 or 16. I am less sure about 17.
Thanks guys, im gonna go for virtual machines and do some experimental, dident thought about that