Included Sharing VNC does not work

I just upgraded to Zorin OS pro and I found a screen sharing menu in the settings. I turned It on and added a password. When I try to connect, I see a 1/4th glimpse of my Zorin desktop until the attached error appears. I do not know how to fix it. Also, when I restart the Zorin PC my VNC client gives me an error "Password check failed!". I need to manually assign a sharing password each Zorin reboot. It would really be nice if that was persistent.

Here is a quick list of the Pro included software.

Can you I.D. which one you are referring to?

Huh, its stock then. I am talking about Settings > Sharing (toggle on) > screen sharing (toggle on) (toggle on let connections control the screen) (Require a password toggle and set password). Before a roboot, i get the screenshot above. After a reboot, the server doesn't work with a failed password error. Client side, I am using the program VNC Connect. I've used it plenty of times before on multiple computers and this OS doesn't seem to work. What is the protocol, did I miss that? Does the server started on the Zorin OS computer not use the VNC protocol? I've set my client to VNC.

Looking at your original error, it looks like a screen sizing issue:

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You fixed one of the two problems, Sweet!

For anyone walking into this thread:
I opened vnc viewer on my client side.
right clicked the remote Zorin OS computer.
Picture quality
Change from automatic to high/med/low.
Now VNC works great.

Last problem, after a reboot, any connections will now say "Password check failed". I need to plug in a mouse and keyboard to the vnc server machine (Zorin OS screen sharing option in settings) and re-add a password. When the password is added, I can connect normally. Any reboot requires me to plug in a mouse/keyboard/monitor again to set the password again. Zorin OS is simply not saving the vnc password you put in. The option to share will still be on though.

If this regularly occurs specifically after a reboot, I would check the default Ports. It sounds likely that the VNC reverts to the default port after a reboot.
You can use <REMOTE_MACHINE_IP_ADDR>:<PORT> to add the preferred port to make it stick persistently after reboots.

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