Install Microsoft Office on Zorin

New to Zorin and just getting into it.

I am trying to install Microsoft Office 2010 on Zorin. When I try to install it through PlayOnLinux, I get an “Error in Main, Please install Winband.”

Does anyone know how to get and install Winband in Zorin? Thanks.

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Can’t find Winband.
There’s a Winbind listed under Synaptic - I recommend using that if that is what you’re looking for.

@Tom3746 by PlayOnLinux, did you install that as part of "Windows App Support" from the Software Centre?
Also see:

How do I find the Windows App Support in Zorin?

Search zorin-windows-app-support in Synaptic.

@Tom3746 Simply go to “Software” from the Zorin Menu and from there search for Windows App Support. That is the easiest way IMO and how I installed it myself.
However, if you have installed and use Synaptic Package Manager, then follow @carmar suggestion.

Zorin OS allows you to install many Windows apps using the Wine compatibility layer. Please note that not all Windows apps may be fully compatible with Zorin OS.

  • Download the app’s original “.exe” or “.msi” installer.

  • Find the “.exe” / “.msi” file in the Files app, right-click on the file and press “Install Windows Application”.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. If this is the first Windows app to be installed on your system, you will need to press the “Install Windows App Support” button.
    If the Windows app experiences issues during or after the installation with the above instructions, please try installing it with PlayOnLinux. This configures the Windows app compatibility layer to work better with this specific app.

  • Open the Zorin Menu and go to “Wine” > “PlayOnLinux”.

  • Click on “Install” to browse the list of apps available to download and install.PlayOnLinux

  • Select the app you want to install and press “Install”.


I tried to install Office 2010 yesterday and failed two times. I may go for the "third time lucky" approach, as "touch wood" is not having the desired effect.

Microsoft doesn't want their software used on Linux, so they will make it as difficult as possible to work on Linux.

Lebri Office is Linux's official alternative to Microsoft Office. I also agree about being careful with WINE, I've had Windows viruses in the Wine folder before.