Install workspaces on zorin os 15

I have Zorin 15 installed as a virtual machine in my mac with parallels desktop. I cant find how to set workspaces on the panel. I have installed Compyz but don’t find any more. I hope for some help

If you are using Lite, it’s a simple matter of adding workspaces to the panel. If you are using Core, the best way to access the workspaces is through the Activities Overview - mapped to the super key in Zorin by default. If the super key is an issue for you because you are using a Mac, then you can make the activities button appear on the panel via an option in the settings.

I did look for ways to add the workspaces to the panel in the GNOME desktop environment, but I could not find anything recent. I think there were GNOME extensions at one time that did this, but from what I could find, they are no longer maintained.

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OK thanks for your advice. I have succed to install the workspaces icon that works also with other windows manager