Installing Insync for Zorin 16.2

Not sure if a Zorin issue or Insync, but I'll start here. Reasonably new user to Zorin and enjoying the switch from Windows.

If I'm correct, Zorin 16.2 is based on the Ubuntu 20.04, so I downloaded the relevant Insync version. Unfortunately I am receiving a missing dependencies error and Insync troubleshooting states I should make sure the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/insync.list file is updated based on your distribution. An 'ls' on that location shows the file doesn't exist, which makes sense because I can't install the package yet.

Should I go back to Insync and ask what gives?

I thought creating the insync.list file manually and populate with

deb focal non-free contrib

would fix it. It didn't :smile:

All good. Went the repositories route as per this and I'm up and going.

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