Installing Steam breaks the ethernet connection

I installed Steam to try some games on Linux, however I encountered afterwards a weird issue.
After boot, my ethernet connection began to disconnect from the internet after 30min-1hour. The wireless connection was not affected.
I managed to solve the issue by uninstalling Steam and reinstalling the network-manager by using the steps from here How to reinstall network manager without internet access? - Ask Ubuntu

1. First boot from a Ubuntu Live disk.
2. Once you go there open a terminal and run the below command,
    sudo apt-get download network-manager*
This will download all the network-manager packages to the home directory. Now copy all the .deb packages to a folder in that pen drive or other partitions in your HDD and then reboot to your system.

3. Once you go there open terminal and do the following:
    cd /path/to/the/directory/where/.deb/files/are/located
    sudo dpkg -i *.deb
The above command will install all the .deb files.

4. Now restart your network-manager by running sudo service network-manager restart. 
Now you have the package network-manager-gnome running again.

I don't really need Steam but wanted to share the solution for people that may encountered a similar issue.

You may also check your wifi powersave value:

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/default-wifi-powersave-on.conf

By default it is set to Powersave on:

wifi.powersave = 3

To turn powersave off
Change it to a value of 2:

wifi.powersave = 2

Tap ctrl+x to exit - the terminal will ask if you want to save, tap the y key; it will ask if you are saving as current configuration, tap the enter key to save as current configuration and exit.

Thanks for response. I also tried this suggestion (from another post here), however it didn't work for me, it's a ethernet issue not wifi.

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Yep, I missed a line.:wink:

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