Is there a way to capture all the page scrolling down with the default zorin screencapture?

First of all, let me say that the default application in Zorin 17 to capture screenshots and video is excellent. I only have 2 things I would add and my question is about the second one.

  1. Record Audio in the video (the current functionality does not record audio). [note: this is not the reason for this post, just mentioning for consistency]

  2. When capturing a window of a browser that goes beyond the visible area of the browser, it would be great that the screencapture app would scrolldown and capture the whole page.

For #2, I know there are ways to handle this with Firefox, but I am just stating that it would be great if this scroll-down feature be added to the current functionality.

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I think that this goes beyond what a screenshot utility is meant to do, so just screenshotting the visible screen. To include the areas exceeding the screen size it depends on the software itself to provide this feature.

Firefox does this with its screenshot tool. Choose "save full page". (you mentioned you "know there are ways to handle this with Firefox" so maybe you already know about this).

Application windows can extend beyond the screen edge, but gnome-screenshot will still capture the entire window when selecting window capture, not just what is visible. But gnome-screenshot is not the default tool. If you install it, you might find it better. It includes a time delay, which comes in handy.

That seems to cover everything.


OttoAcuna would like that the screenshot utility takes screenshots of scrollable windows like Firefox screenshot feature does, which captures the whole page despite it doesn't fit the screen size. So whenever the view is scrollable OttoAcuna would like that the screenshot catches even the parts that aren't in sight.

Nice, I didn't know this :hushed:, thanks for exposing it :smile::+1:.

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Shutter and Spectacle also offer time delays. My preference for screenshots will always be Spectacle (on Plasma for best performance) as when using area selection tool, remembers the last defined area when taking sequential screenshots which is what I used to produce images in the Unofficial Manual for Zorin 17 Core.

If you are in an application window and you are viewing a portion of some file, you already have the complete contents of that file, or can create a file of the entire contents by just saving. A saved screenshot including the non-visible would just give you a duplicate and seems unnecessary. Am I missing something here?

Why duplicate? It's useful to take a screenshot of a whole window content without the need to scroll it.

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