Hello, i installed Zorin OS 17.2 Core on my Asus notebook. The motherboard is an Intel HM370 with Intel 9560 Wi-Fi. The Wi-Fi works, but it is unstable and much slower. Is this a known issue, and is there a solution? If not, could you recommend a Wi-Fi card that works without issues and is compatible with my notebook?
Welcome to the Forum!
Did you take a look in the ''Additional Drivers'' Tab in Software & Updates
if there is a Driver offered?
Thank you! I checked the 'Additional Drivers' tab in Software & Updates, but there was nothing about Wi-Fi.
Does Your System run in Wayland or Xorg? You can check that in Settings>About. There is a Line called ''Window Manager''. If there should stand Wayland, You could try to switch to Xorg and check if it runs better.
To switch, go to the Login Screen. Click on Your Profile so that the Password Field appears. It is important that is has appeared! When it appeared, You should see in the bottom right Corner a Gear Icon. Click on it. Then You should see 2 Option. Choose the one called ''Zorin Desktop on Xorg'' and then log in and test it Your Wifi runs better.
Doesn't work..
What is the current version of your installed kernel? According to this Intel page kernel 6.10 includes drivers for your card:
To find kernel version you are running, open a terminal and enter:
uname -r
As I mentioned, I installed Zorin OS 17.2 Core, so the kernel is up to date. However, the issue I'm facing is that the connection is unstable.
Apologies. Looking at the specification sheet, this also has bluetooth presence. Can you turn bluetooth off and see if that improves things?
Disabling Bluetooth doesn't seem to make a difference; it looks like the issue is firmware-related.
Might be worth joining the intel wifi community and check the github page for firmware, both mentioned here:
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