Java path failure

Hello everyone, I have a problem with java, it turns out that when installing or running a program that requires java, java cannot find it. thanks.

Did you install by adding the package default-jre? If not, how did you install?

if exact, by default-jre, but I don’t know why the programs can’t find the java pathCaptura de pantalla de 2021-01-03 23-38-27

Try dpkg -l default-jre

Captura de pantalla de 2021-01-04 15-50-12

Thanks. You do have the version listed on Synaptic. I don’t know why the program won’t run. Is it the correct version for Ubuntu 18.04?

So if you do:

echo $PATH
sudo -i
java -version
echo $PATH

What do you get?
You are running java -version as your user then trying to run your script as root.

yes, I have already solved it, the problem is my script, thanks for your time.

List, I have already solved it, the problem is my script, thanks for your time.

How did you fix it? A solution may help others in the future.

I have fixed it by changing the path of my script in relation to java.