Live USB with my settings

What if persistent get full?

Okay one option to be 100% safe and sure is to set up amnesia on the Live system. Amnesia make it so that when the PC restarts, it WILL revert back everything. So doesn't matter what files get added or removed, on a reboot, your USB will be clean and new. As if nothing had happened on it before.

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I'd say this is your best option. But I don't remember what the software was actually called. Other people have to help me a bit with this.

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Live USB does this anyway- removing the need for persistence, which the user wants persistence to prevent a Clean USB on each reboot.

Yes, log files would be saved and if you are moving across many laptops, those logs (and errors) will increase.
If you are doing as many as 100 computers in a day, that would be a non-trivial amount. You may want a larger USB, 64gigs at minimum.
That being said, the LiveUSB boot of Zorin OS is a little bit different than a fully installed Zorin OS. The Live USB uses Safe Graphics and set parameters for drivers to ensure it should work across a large variety of machines.
While this is beneficial to you, these drivers are often more generic and lacking in performance as seen from a full install with optimal drivers.
This should actually help you, though, as it means you have a better chance of being able to successfully boot multiple devices with the same USB drive.

You can also clear out system logs prior to powering down and ejecting the USB drive.

I find Zorin to be a great operating system that delivers some of the best performance around. It is a distro that is very well supported across a large variety of machines, too.
However, in your case, performance through the bottleneck of a USB port is less of a priority. You want a Lightweight but high level kernel (at a bare minimum, above 5.6) system.
There are distros that are sold preinstalled as a USB drive that are optimized to plug n play on any computer. But you may consider making yours with Xubuntu 20.04. While not quite as good as Zorin OS (in my estimation), it would be higher kernel than Zorin OS 15.3 Lite while retaining a lighter weight desktop.

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Maybe there is a way to do any script that will delete everything from persistent (but not my settings) on every boot?

Why xubuntu would be better for this type of operations? What advantages gives higher kernel? Im newbie in linux

Here is a handy utility to flash multiple USB sticks at the same time.


Yes, a script can be made to do just that.
You can modify one like this to cover the age of the log file you want removed:


# Usage: cleanup_old_logs <folder> <days>
# Removes all log files in the directory older than a certain number of days


# Validate
if [ "$FOLDER" == "" ] || [ "$N_DAYS" == "" ]
echo "Usage: $0 folder number_of_days"
exit 1

if [ ! -d "$FOLDER" ]
echo "$FOLDER is not a directory"
exit 2

# Remove
echo "Deleting files in $FOLDER older than $N_DAYS days"
find $FOLDER/* -mtime +$N_DAYS -exec rm {} \;

Xubuntu 20.04 carries the current mainstream kernel that is higher than Zorin OS 15.3 Lite.
Xubuntu - because of the Lighter XFCE desktop.
Higher Kernel - Because it provides better support across a variety of new and old hardware.

Zorin OS16 is currently working toward Final Release and the Lightweight XFCE destkop of Zorin Lite is not yet ready for release - otherwise, I would recommend it.


It sounds a bit of a drastic measures but I think it is also possible not to create a log file to start with.

I disabled a log file on our Raspberry Pi printserver to protect the microSD card from wearing out.


Thank you, very helpful informations.

I find Distroshare Ubuntu Imager, tried it but I think its not working on Zorin :frowning: App made new ISO of my currently installed Zorin but when I burn it to flash drive, aplications that I deleted are gone, but settings of language, wallpaper etc are gone too :confused: any idea?

HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN LINIX DISTRO - YouTube It would be cure for my problems but seems to not work on zorin, or maybe im doing something wrong?

The trouble is that in using something pre-set for say, Ubuntu, it will look for the Ubuntu name in the Release file instead of Zorin.
You need to Modify it to look for Zorin - I do not have a copy of Distro Ubuntu Imager (and I am multitasking at the moment and not in a good position to install and explore) so I cannot say where to look within it offhand.


Looks like the target page is here now:
(they moved it from the /howto/ sub-folder)

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