LOL, my experience with Zorin 17.1 Core

So I've heard from a friend of mine that Zorin OS is easy to use , easy to setup and "just works".

My evening yesterday and my morning today, trying to get this ■■■■ to run tells a different story :smiley: .
I had constantly screen flickering and googling for about 4 hours and reading here in the forums didn't worked out for me. Last thing I tried was installing the amd pro drivers, what resultet in not only my screen turning off and on all the time BUT it had a speacial feature: Artefacting the ■■■■ out of my screens. Nice! See ya'll

Welcome to the Forum!

So ... You want some Help now or only complaining that it not worked for You? If You interested on Help it would be good to know some Things:

  • Did You verified the Checksum of the ISO?
  • What Tool for creating a bootable USB Stick did You used?
  • Do You want to Dual Boot?
  • Your Hardware Specs?
  • Do You used Xorg or Wayland or tried both?
  • What Refresh Rate did You chosen
  • Did You used Fractional Scaling?

my bet is ms.uncreative is gone .
at least she took the time to register and come and tell us .

I agree with @14nd
They are like gone by now.

It really is unfortunate that they didn't have the patience to troubleshoot.
I've been on ubuntu, mint, popos and this for the most part and i could never go back to any of the other distros.

How do You know that this is a ''she''?

i'm being sarcastic/nasty :yum:

This suggests that the O.P.'s post can determine their gender based on stereotypical (negative) traits. This is illogical, inaccurate and inflammatory and best avoided.


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