Marko94's Pet Shop Emporium

I am so glad that we have an awesome CAT technical support team. That one above is checking up on their stock quotations for the month, always important to make sure that Friskies is not dying, although I think they are, they can't even get fresh cans to can the food!

This team is doing the actual work of helping others, when the calls come in...



My little 'helper', Gorky. When I started remoting for work she became very interested in the laptop. She'll try to peck the buttons if available, and click the mouse if I block her from that. Images are, respectively, the time she managed to bring up the 'Help' documentation for LibreOffice Writer and the time she repeatedly tried to hit the power button.


Chickens! :chicken: I love chickens, cause they are just too darn kawaii. And they are goofy as heck hehe. :grin: We could all do without a rooster waking us all up in the morning though, but if their hens, no need to worry about that.

Watching them run across the yard with their little feet is just hilarious, they can get really moving if they want to. And sometimes, they put on a show, cause they know they are being kawaii, and like the attention lol.

No chickens allowed to peck the computer keys. Get her a little musical keyboard, and she will play chopsticks for you. :joy:

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What does this word mean, in the manner that you use it?

Kawaii means cute, like this chicken over here --->>> :chicken: hehe

chicken GIF

And here is thy hidden talant. HAHA



One of Findus's jobs, is to rate boxes, as they all come in different shapes, sizes, and types. So, what is Findus's rating for this one, I don't know, lets ask him............


Findus, how do you like that box, what you rate it?


Well, its certainly not the smallest box that I've been in, but I really appreciate that its double walled corrugated.


Ohhhhh, I see, which means it probably feels better on your teeth when you bight into it right?


That is true, but it also means that it will hold my weight when I inevitably get fat over the holidays.


So what is your rating for this box Findus?


I am going to give this box a 4 out of 5 stars :star2: :star2: :star2: :star2:


Everytime my old neighbor is letting his little dog out in the yard, Findus has to watch it from the window. I'm wondering if Findus want to play with the little dog... or eat it. :grin:


It just gives Findus something to do, makes life interesting for him.

cat watching GIF

But here's another thing your cat could do, at least the floor is cleaner now. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :joy:


Usually the dog avoids the cat. Rare moments


Now that is what I call adorable! :heart_eyes: I think that cats and dog like to put on a good show of it, keeping up appearances for stereo types and all that. But, in reality, them little whipper snappers love each other. Thanks for sharing! :purple_heart:

cats dogs GIF

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So cute! I'm guessing the dog is comforting the cat post-surgery in the top photo? It's the unexpected moments of empathy between animals that strikes a chord. And who knows? They might become friends in the future.


Right you are Galliver! Animals tend to be more empathetic then humans. Have a look at this, two species that shouldn't be getting along, and yet, they do.

cat kiss GIF


Yesterday I found a marshmallow in the bathroom. I suspect that Findus has been in my candy bag and kidnapped it...


HAHAHAHAHA :rofl: Findus likes his marsh mellies :yum:

I also love how Findus is like, ohhhhh, hello there, whats shaken bacon?

And you be like, ohhhhh, you would love to eat some bacon too wouldn't you?

HAHAHAHA :joy_cat:

White Cat Hello GIF by TeamTO


He did, very rare she pays any attention to him!

Findus in my computer chair yesterday. I was only in the kitchen making coffee


You forgot to put the "RESERVED" sign on it. So you lost your place at the table. again.

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I tell you, if I leave my chair - he's making a move to overthrown me...