More soul searching

No, I will just torpedo them instead for violating our logical way of thinking.


Its easier to clean a laptop than a desktop. hahahaahahah


I had a similar experience on an Tatung Einstein. I had spent weeks programming a scrolling skiing game. I was the best I had ever written and had music and everything.

I took it round my mates on 3" disk and instead of running it, I managed to delete the only copy I had. The despair was unbearable.

After that, I became obsessed with backups.


I love it here.

In one way or another, we're all building and making things for the joy of doing it and for their own sake.


I think most of us have experienced this. Let's be glad that these mistakes are in computing.
When you think about how a moment of misclick or not quite noticing a detail can lead to such data loss... It's amazing we Drive Cars.
And worth remembering when on the road. Or deciding on that greasy burger.
Or what we say to a loved one before storming out of the house.

There is no "Timeshift" application for Life. There is no back up file. No undo button.


I think it's great to just use whatever works best for you. We're all different, so will all end up making different choices. And I've had some big learning things recently (and stuffed up my PC once in the last week already since I moved to Linux! I spent hours trying to get my dual boot menu back and stop it going into Windows. Then I discovered it was nothing to do with the grub menu - it was the MSI UEFI BIOS which had defaulted to the wrong drive as the basic boot drive, and had picked the Win10 (with no menu). When I eventually realised that I switched the SSD order in UEFI and suddenly the menu was back (where it had always been). Oh how I hate UEFI compared to BIOS. It doesn't even let me choose a boot order that separates SSDs and HDDs, they all get clumped under a single entry in the order preference ... plus all the default secure boot stuff that caused me problems until I learnt to disable it...


UEFI bad, Legacy good, why cant we just have legacy?


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