Is there an app in the app repository, that can install JACK the easiest way on ZORIN 15 LITE (just like WINDOW APP SUPPORT install a sort of functionnal wine)…i would like to be able to play musics wth my ZORIN if possible without the hassle of entering endless code lines…I am not a code lines fan… i want out of the box functionning apps…i am a lazy one
Rhythmbox is already present (under Sound & Video on the Zorin menu). You can also try VLC. I recommend using Synaptic to install any new packages: Installing packages using Synaptic Package Manager GUI
I want to create music from scratch on ZORIN, not just listen to it…I can use VSThost in ZORIN…but none of my usual vsti et vt fx sound in it, no music coming from them…Do u really understand what I am talking about here ??? I want to be able to make music with zorin, and play with the SOUND ENGINES available in ZORIN REPOSITORY…but I lack the APP that would be able to recognise them ans make them sound…I thought this app was called JACK…but I dont find it anywhere…
My mistake. I assumed player based on your “like to be able to play” comment in your first post.
I am not familiar with these, perhaps someone else will comment and help you out.
Does this item get you anywhere:
yes that"s it…but was wondering if there was “” WORKING OUT OF THE BOX “” JACK because with this one, too many settings to do for my poor brain… I dont know CODING n SETTING audio, my AUDIO MATERIELS work out of the box in window…I plug my instruments and they work in window…but not in LINUX, nor in ZORIN…
@OBI. Combining what @carmar said (in his first reply) about using Synaptic Package Manager to find and install software, plus your need of jackd, I have searched for it on Synaptic and it is on there OK. See screenshot:
I assume the package you want is “jackd” JACK Audio Connection Kit as highlighted, but as I have not used it myself, I can’t be totally sure.
Please note: the package listed as just “jack” is a CD ripper, not what you are after.
If not already done, Synaptic PM can be installed from Zorin Software - just search for “Synaptic”.
More info on jack:
That “jack” website in turn can point you here:
thanks, SYNAPTIC is already on ZORIN, it’s still very usefull, when u dont find the apps u need on the graphical app shop, that is a neat progress for linux to have it’s own graphical app store…much easier to delete the gimp, and open office and most of the apps installed by default on zorin… (excepted the necessary running or usefull to zorin apps of course)…I will try jackd, and see where it gets me ??? thank u