Need for Deconstruction in FOSS

Your example goes around and around so I don't understand what you mean. What do you want me to do?

I'm just talking about how the new Cosmic desktop will be an alternative to Gnome, backed not by the community but a big company like System76.

Your opinion does not affect my point. I made the suggestion at the beginning of this thread because I want FOSS to be run by its entire community. It is easy to cite examples of its success. To me, Zorin OS is more attractive than Pop! OS.

The way I see it, companies like RedHat, Gnome or The Zorin Group are as much part of the community as any individual. I don't think it's possible to have a healthy ecosystem without allowing people to use the product we all contribute to, for each of our own interest.

EDIT: To clarify, earlier I said "backed by the community" and now I'm saying that we are all the community... so just to clarify that, I think that there's a practical difference between individual users like myself and companies/organizations like Gnome.

let me grab some popcorn :popcorn: before you post anything again :joy:

The forum has a "Like" button.

But it could use a "Dislike" button so users can take note of a particularly tasteless post without needing to think up a snarky comment.

"dislike" button could only be seen by the person who posted it to prevent flaming.

To clarify, I created this thread because Zorin OS is the closest to my ideal FOSS. Isn't it interesting that two developers and a small community like ours are running a great project? FOSS is like leverage, small power can do big work.

I coupe wrote some two cent but everything is wrote here. In my observation Gnome is pushing forward but this is connected with webbrowser. That why i will staying with xfce or another DE what is simple.

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