How do i make it smaller in width? It seems to stop collapsing due to the amount of elements on the top bar, but can i make them dissapear in any way?
TLDR: How to notepad go "slimmer".
How do i make it smaller in width? It seems to stop collapsing due to the amount of elements on the top bar, but can i make them dissapear in any way?
TLDR: How to notepad go "slimmer".
You are correct that CSD can limit application window resizing due to non-stackable buttons and widgets being stuffed into the titlebar, since Gnome believes in doing away with toolbars, menubars and any other good work-productivity tools.
It may be possible to set the styling to allow smaller spacing using a custom gtk.css
placed in your home ~/.config/gtk-3.0
and ~/.config/gtk-4.0
headerbar {
padding: 0px;
min-height: 0px;
headerbar button.titlebutton {
min-height: 0px;
min-width: 0px;
padding: 0px;
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