New mirror in Iran

I sent an email to zoringroup to submit a mirror but got no response
any moderators to check it out?

(Mirrors temporarily removed)

Network Link is 1Gbps
Located in Iran city of Qom
Hosted by Bardia Moshiri (

Bardia, thanks for the submission. I have had to temporarily remove the mirror links, since these are not currently vetted by the Zoringroup and we must ensure the safety of the Zorin OS users and Trusted Sites.

In the meantime; tagging @AZorin or @zorink to review the Mirrors and consider your submission.

(I have saved a copy of the Links for you so that they can see them.)
The ZorinGroup is currently chest-deep in development of Zorin OS 16 Lite, so it may take some time for them to reply.

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