No wifi 7 again

Hey. Sorry for the late reply. Busy weekend, winterizing the trailer.

Anyway, let me bring you up to speed.
I updated the kernel following these instructions:

All went well after I was given updated instructions as you can see towards the end of that thread. My Wi-Fi worked and I was good for a week or so.

Since then I've had some issues with apt not wanting to install things (at the time, it was Github and Retroarch being installed). When it wouldn't work I just built Git from source myself and got it installed that way.
Eventually I found the solution for getting apt to install Retroarch as well. There was a file being held and I had to go delete the lockfile. Probably from an unfinished install or something that got aborted. But you know what Linux is like on the internet. While trying to solve one problem, you can create three more, by following scripts and code and commands that are deprecated, or wind up installing libraries that break other things, which was my situation. The proverbial straw was when Steam froze on me and then crashed and refused to load after I would click the icon after that. I would then go into terminal and try and load Steam that way and it would just return me to the $prompt and not do anything. I finally gave up and just Timeshifted back to a week prior, landing me back to right after I had installed the 6.11 kernel.

All seemed well, but for the fact that my Wi-Fi was no longer available. And here we are.

You are now up to speed lol

Incidentally, and while I have your attention, I've also just noticed that my computer will not shut down. I can't quite tell if it is shutting off and immediately starting back up again or if it is simply restarting when I hit the shutdown button. Either way, I'm getting irritated lol

I did a search and tried this, to no avail...

  1. sudo -i (to get a root shell, sudo gedit is not recommended)
  2. gedit /etc/default/grub
  3. Find the line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"
  4. Change this to: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash acpi=force"
  5. Save the file and close the file.
  6. Finally, in terminal: update-grub
  7. exit (to end the root shell)