Nvidia drivers not listed

No, try it just as above

Thatā€™s what I get when I put in the above. I didnā€™t attempt to change anything.

Ok, that may be because itā€™s purging ALL files, but cannot locate that remaining file.
I am a bit embarrassed I did not think of that til just now.
Are you able to proceed with the rest?


Ok tried next line and it gives me the same message from before:

E: command line option ā€œpā€ [from -purge] is not understood in combination with other options.

Keep going with the rest?


sudo apt-get purge xserver-xorg

The remove -purge works in normal System :man_shrugging:t2:

Reading package listsā€¦Done
Building dependancy tree
Reading state informationā€¦Done
Package ā€˜xserver-xorgā€™ is not installed so not removed.
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
librg11-mesa libglu1-mesa lib11vm9 libxatrackerZ libxvmc1 uno-libs3 x11-aps x11-session-utils xbitmaps xinit xinput
Use ā€˜sudo apt autoremoveā€™ to remove them.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

Ok, continue with the rest

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg
went through with too much to list.

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core
basically that it is already the newest version and set to manually installed.


gives me command not found.

I must be moving too fast, sorry... That should have been,

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau

Already the newest version and set to manually installed.

Back to the default grub,

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

change to
GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR= lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=ā€œquiet splash nomodesetā€

sudo update-grub

sudo reboot

And weā€™re back in. Sweet sweet copy/paste, how Iā€™ve missed you.
Lemme check software update.

Honestlyā€¦ My goal for the last twenty minutes was just to get to where the computer boots up somewhat normally.

Fixing the Nvidia thingā€¦ I am at a loss, at the moment.

No worries. You shouldnā€™t worry too much even if it all gets borked. This was fresh installed last night and even if it gets messed up, reinstall is pretty simple. Though seemingly a nuclear option, the amount of time it takes is not too bad. And itā€™s not like I didnā€™t try 5 different installs before even getting to a working GUI.

In software updater, it lists it now as c67 (geforce7150/nforce630m) but the nvidia legacy binary driver and the x. org x server nouveau display driver are still grayed out and only manually installed driver is selectable.

Thank you so much for trying. I realize this took a lot of your time. Itā€™s a lot farther than I would have gotten on my own by now. Iā€™ll leave this up for anyone who might have additional ideas.

This is greyed out, as well?
I have been working this entire time and since the page autoreloads when a reply is issued, it was easy to monitor.

Here, Iā€™ll take a screenie:
Screenshot from 2020-09-06 14-39-48

It says manually installed driver. Did you install any Nvidia drivers manually?
Looking into it, it seems the 304 driver is not supported on Ubuntu 18.04, on which Zorin 15 is based.

I wouldnā€™t have known how.
Can you link me where you get that info, so I can see what version of ubuntu does support it and figure out where to go from there? Thank you for checking, wouldnā€™t have occurred to me that backward compatibility would be an issue at all.

Found this thread where one post seems to have a workaround though not sure itā€™ll work for me. Iā€™ll attempt to follow the instructions, see if it applies to me and where I get:

Otherwise someone mentioned Debian still supports it so I could try another distro too.
Again, suggestions welcome :slight_smile:


Sadly, from Nvidia, not from Debian or Ubuntu.

I do not know how leading this is, though.
Other pages I found:


We tried a great deal of that- but maybe you will spot something new.

So if youā€™re still reading this, I tried powering through the solution on the link I listed, and it all worked fine until I got to the point where Iā€™m supposed to log out and then bring up the terminal with ctrl+alt+F1. I log out, I press it but absolutely nothing happens. I donā€™t know if this is because this is an hp media pc and something else was mapped to those keys by default (not that I remember), and then they just donā€™t work properly on linux as a result or if this is something I have to first enable on my system somehow or if this just isnā€™t supposed to work with zorinos. Do you know by any chance what this could be?