Question related to zorin os education

Is the zorin os education based on xfce or gnome also which will give me best flexibility & battery life along with performance.
Pls reply😇

Hello and welcome to the forum.

I think Zorin education has XFCE desktop and designed to run on the PCs with a lower end of spec. Because of the lower requirement for resources, I would imagine it is also battery efficient.

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There are Two Versions of Zorin OS Education 15.3:
Zorin OS Education (Gnome) and Zorin OS Education Lite (XFCE).

I would recommend Zorin OS Education Lite (XFCE) for battery life and performance.
For Flexibility in regards to customization, easy access to settings and desktop configuration - Also Zorin OS Education Lite (XFCE). Your definition of flexibility may differ, though.
Zorin Connect does not work on Zorin OS Lite in 15.3. Instead, you must install and use kdeconnect (Which is very nearly the same).


Oh, I was not aware of that.
Thanks for pointing it out.
It seems I only tested out Lite version while I was checking Zorin 15.

I only found out recently, myself. I had thought that Zorin OS Education always came with XFCE.

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I think LITE came with gnome to, the default is xfce.

Or am i wrong?

Will the connect app work in education lite version.? 64 bit pls reply😇

noooo, i was using educational version , and that wasn't with xfce .

was based on GNOME
still i have that

u can see, there is no Zorin connect option on lite version.

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Shafin_2901, from above:

So, you do have a workable option.

As above:

Thanks for the help mate😄

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