Screen Brightness reverts after using some applications

@Aravisian Now I have this drivers

any advises for the brightness problem

You appear to be using the 470 (Proprietary - tested) driver instead of the 340 driver described in the posts above.

I recommend against the 470 (Proprietary - tested) in any case as it is buggy. The 470 (Proprietary) driver is not buggy.

ok I'll try to switch to

now or

The 340 driver as we outlined above.

but it's not showing in the list as you can see mate, and when I tried

I got this

You must follow the link that I posted in this thread here:


Please open terminal and run:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kelebek333/nvidia-legacy

sudo apt update && sudo apt install nvidia-graphics-drivers-340

E: Unable to locate package nvidia-graphics-drivers-340

The repository lists them:

nvidia-graphics-drivers-340 (340.108-4ppajammy8) jammy; urgency=medium

The .deb package:

You might try running it using Gdebi to install with all dependencies

The full list (under Jammy)

Once I installed this using the

I loat my sys and proc files from the system and i can't open the os i got this

Your other option is to use the 470 driver and understand that the graphics may not work properly...
I can only recommend upgrading the graphics card at this point or using an older release that is compatible with the existing hardware.

What are the chances that this is caused by a hybrid GPU driver setup?

What application is it that causes this? A specific one, or a few of a certain type, etc.

Consider...Some applications do it but others don't:

  • change brightness - coded to use dedicated GPU with different optimized settings which could include increased brightness, etc.
  • leave brightness - coded to use/launch with CPU\GPU, so no change is noted with exception of CPU activity and fan noise, perhaps.

that happened twice after I install nvidia 340 drivers

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