I'm wondering do we have the any Snagit version work with zorin-os-17-pro or any alternative can ignore the default capture of Wayland ? I mean normally my behaviour when use Snagit or Flameshot from previous Linux is
Replace Prints = Custom short keyboard ( for ex. mine is CTRL + SHIFT + A)
After take the screenshot, the pop-up screen show and i can choose copy to clipboard or edit something on that image, for example: with Snagit Editor we can use Shape > Rectangle to mark some area need to focus.
3.After copy and paste the clipboard, we can easily back to editor in case we are missing something need to edit and do again.
P/S: I can work with Flameshot similarly like Snagit, but that is for XFCE not for Gnome Wayland. I really love the clean modern UI of Zorin OS and hope can find some solutions like i mentioned above.
You could simply change to Xorg/X11 instead of Wayland. Go to the Login Screen and click on Your Profile so that the Password Field appears. It have to be appeared! After it is appeared, You shouldsee in the bottom reight Corner a Gear Icon. Click on it and choose the Zorin Desktop on Xorg Option and log in. It will stay on Xorg until You change it again. So, You don't need to do that everytime.
Hi, Thank for your help, but i have already checked but cannot find any button like you mentioned above. Yes the password field is appeared but there is nothing in bottom right cornet a Gear Icon. I have tried to click on that area but no happen. My OS is Zorin-os-17-pro, can you please show with screenshot from your login screen ?
Amazing! It really works by editing the line
from comment to uncomment in "/etc/gdm3/custom.conf" WaylandEnable=false
Thank you so much for your help !
Haha, honestly, I probably would never have found the solution if I hadn't seen your comment. so exactly i would say thank to my parents haha. Btw, your thinkpad is AMD or Intel ? i would love AMD Thinkpad but do know what is the best choice for Zorin OS?. And if AMD, which version of thinkpad is the best choice in case of using for office , SAP GUI for JAVA, Chrome , Steam Game ? Do you know it or i can create the new Topic for this one ?
That is not a Picture from me. I did took it from another User from a Thread here to show You this with the Gear Icon. So, if you want widespread Experiences, You can simply open a new Thread and ask to the Forum.