Software broke after installing KDE Plasma and not using

Have you removed the Oxygen-Theme?

Also, be sure to run

sudo apt clean && sudo apt autoremove

Reboot and test your system.

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KDE doesn't use 'Software' it uses its own app, Discover which is almost as broken as 'Software' in Gnome. The best for Updates in KDE Plasma from experience is Apper. Apper is also a software install application. Updates with Apper are much quicker at installing than anything else I have used. I should point out that I am running Devuan 3.1.1. as my daily go to, not Zorin.

Looks like it doesn't work. Sad.

It can be solved... Have seen this before with Plasma removal leaving this effect behind.
I would have sworn that removing the oxygen theme is what is needed.
And you are certain you have removed all Plasma and Oxygen packages using Synaptic?

I tried searching the forum, since this has come up more than once and been solved more than once but the Search Function on this forum leaves something wanting...

OH RIGHT... check for Breeze-theme too...

I also get the problem when I install another DE on Zorin OS, but I don't know why because many people don't have any problem.

Have you remove all KDE Plasma related from your system?? If you have, you should install all of them back, and then go to the KDE Plasma settings. In there, you could fix the problem by choosing what themes you want to use for GTK apps. I had the same problem in the past, and that steps really helped me.
I think when you installed KDE Plasma, the GTK apps automatically followed the themes the Qt-based apps are using. But when you tried to set them all back to normal, it only affect the Qt-based apps, while the GTK apps still stuck to the earlier Qt-based apps theme.

EDIT: And make sure you do all those changes while you're in Plasma session.

These are not screenshots from Plasma Desktop in Zorin OS 16, these are just screenshots from my Arch Linux in Gnome-Boxes, but the main point are not different. Open the KDE Plasma Settings > Appearance > Application Style.

From this you choose Configure GNOME/GTK Application Style...

Then on GTK themes, choose the one theme that you're using in your main Zorin Desktop, in my case it will be Zorin Dark Blue.

Looks like it..

Might try that, but that's gonna be annoying to reinstall. oof.

Does searching plasma in Synaptic yield any installed results, at all?

if that will not work after removing kde plasma, i think it's effect caused permanent changes even if removing it.
what is the content of gtk config files in ~/.config/ folder?
link 1 talking about deleting the gtk config files in ~/.config/ folder

link 2 taking about reset user configurations:

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It is annoying, I do went through all that stuff, but I think it's the only way to fix it beside reinstalling your whole system.

I think I'm going to try reinstalling it and using its settings

Yeah, I'll do it sometime.


Worked... with a catch. On zoom, the buttons hover cursor is breeze. nothing else so far.

Gonna try purging kde maybe sometime

Could you provide some screenshots of this problem so I can get the idea on what's happening with your Zoom app, please?? Because I also have Zoom installed but it didn't got any effect from installing KDE Plasma.

I feeling that a pain. Have experience with that also. In my solutions fresh installation Zorin.

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