[SOLVED] - Something to think about - printer

I have been having a problem with my printer a Brother DCP T500W .... Aravisian I believe helped me with drivers .... 2 days ago it would not print no matter what I did so I was saving documents on a FD and printing from Win 10 ....

But today I had an idea .... a few days ago when my Bluetooth key board suddenly quit I switched from Cinnamon back to Gnome and it worked so I went back to Cinnamon and it is working just fine ....

So I just now did the same thing and printed a document on Gnome .... and it printed ...... went back to Cinnamon and it is working fine .....

So to steal an idea from Storm ..... Martians ..... :roll_eyes:


That looks like a Gremlin to me.
Keep that thing away from your hardware.

I assume your OP is both problem and solution and can be marked as such.

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Or perhaps the infamous squirrels that Marge Simpson gets in the engine of the car when she breaks down in unfamiliar territory! :rofl:

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Sounds good except I have no solution check box in my post to mark so I'll give it to you .....

Well that didn't fix the problem just tried it and the same thing ..... so I remove the problem solved ..... appears to only be a temporary fix ....

Now when I went to restart my computer it suddenly printed out what I wanted a while ago .... I went back into Gnome and printed from my Thumb Drive and it worked just fine ..... backed out of Gnome and back into Cinnamon and changed one setting in the printer properties ....

The start up printer box at the top says "Printers-Local Host" ..... and at the bottom it says "connected to Local Host .... but when I opened Server it showed it was connected to " /run/cups/cups.sock" ....

The two choices were Local Host and /run/cups/cups.sock .....

Sorry for the blurry camera shot in the last photo .....

My printer is hooked up by WiFi .... not cable

Well I am here typing this on FXCE and the printer is working fine here also so it must be something in Cinnamon but I have no idea what .... but no emergency as I can print in either Gnome or FXCE .....

I am so glad I'm able to have 3 desktops to choose from ..... even all my themes and icons followed me here to FXCE .... not sure about Gnome but I'll try over there also ....

When I went from FXCE back to Cinnamon it switched back from Localhost (where I had it) it was now "/run/cups/cups.sock" again .... so I guess that is where it wants to be .....

For testing purposes, on Cinnamon, what happens if you run

systemctl stop cups

systemctl start cups

Is that a typo. Do you mean XFCE in above posts?

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Frogs Xcellent Countertop Environment.

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and I was thinking Frog's eXCrutiating Experience. H o Hum.
I think we can say anything we like, as the amphibian is out playing Pirates of the Carribean.

Why on earth is the word filter rejecting the Father Christmas two letter greeting?

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Because is it shorthand for another disparaging word used for ladies that sounds exactly the same.

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mike@mike-ROG-Strix-G731GT-G731GT:~$ systemctl stop cups
mike@mike-ROG-Strix-G731GT-G731GT:~$ systemctl start cups

I had to authenticate both the stop and the start ..... I'll try to print something and let you know .....

That be true matey ... but me crew be demanding rum all the time and taking all me profits ..... the scurvy dogs ....


Hummmmm ..... looked good to me .... after all I did mange to type all the letters ..... just not in the correct order .... :roll_eyes: :innocent: :rofl:

Nope did nothing .... it looks like the program is not releasing because when I started up the laptop and went to sign in to Zorin before I could ...... the printer started printing a page left over from yesterday .... and now I get a message that "Brother Printer DCP-T500W is off line"

But yet if I restart and go into Gnome it will print .... am going to try that right now ..... I'll be back ....

OK just tried it on Gnome and it didn't work there either this time .... so I unplugged it and will try again in about an hour and plug it back in ..... sometimes like me it looses it's way ....

Having looked at the specifications here:

I see it has wireless capability - can you give it an IP address? If so use the Connect Network Printer from Print Settings - best done via the command line:

sudo system-config-printer

You get the same interface as when launching the GUI of 'Printers' in Devices, but guaranteed a better setup procedure! And I don't know why - something I picked up on the Pear Linux forum.
Then choose Network Printer then use HP ScanJet option and enter the IP address. :wink:

You enter the IP address in the host field. Sometimes you might need to add a colon [:] followed by either '80' or '8080' (without the quote marks).

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Everything went rather well until it came to choosing my printer it was not on the list and I tried a few just to make sure including the HP InkJet one I did a search also but nothing showed up see photos ... the HP INKJET which didn't work but did install .... here are a few photos .....