Swap allocation is affecting other Linux OS

I am facing issue with "swap" at the time of clean " reinstallation"

I am using dual separate partition on my dell
Partition 1 - Linux mint - 60 gb
Partition 2 - Zorin OS - 60 gb

To reinstall zorin OS clean...when i allocate "swap" storage for zorin os, the linux mint on partition 2 "swap" gets affected and it won't boot......this is a problem..... how to resolve so both OS can boot properly ..

thanks for your hep !!

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That seems a small drive, is it an SSD? If it is you don't need a swap file.


actually, i am also using Windows 11 - Partition 3 - 100 gb allocated...

yes it is ssd- nvme

are you double sure swap allocation is NOT required..... If yes, can this also be said about other Linux distros, where swap might not be required....i can save 4 to 8 gb of storage.. pls clarify...


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should answer your query.


cool...thanks.. never knew about this till today.....

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I never created swap partitions on my PC with SSD and I never had any problems.

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yes...i reinstalled the OS without swap partition...and it's working fine...cool

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