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Netflix, Disney+ and Amazon hacked. Can download movies. Code and software was on github.

I believe you are referring to Retina.
See this page for info:

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Intel Is Bringing A Feature Upgrade To Linux That Will Make Windows Users Jealous | HotHardware Intel Is Bringing A Feature Upgrade To Linux That Will Make Windows Users Jealous | HotHardware

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computer forensics - What the windows operating system knows about you.Informatyka śledcza - co wie o Tobie Windows - YouTube
Use youtube translator for settings to change a language.

Hello Bourne!

Just like everything when it comes to computers, it depends. The average computer user, surfs the web, checks emails, checks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Watches Youtube, watches Netflix, etc. In this particular use case, I3 is enough, and core I5 is certainly more then enough, but I7 is overkill.

However, if a user does all those things, but they also do heavy gaming, and or production work, thats when the core I7 CPU actually shines. Its all about those cores, and if you have speed to go with those cores, and a solidly built architecture, core I7 is the shizzle to the lizzle.

And nobody really needs core I9 CPU's unless they are doing heavy production, professionally. Just like how most people also don't need 32-core thread rippers. But paid professionals doing heavy production, do need those thread rippers, if AMD.

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Interesting why they don't using a windows xD

Can someone please explain to me what this quote means?

Answer (1 of 26): Probably the most important factor is that you can't have code on laptops, so much of the advantage of Linux is irrelevant.

I don't know what they mean by that quote. If what it says is true, why can't you have code on laptops?

I can not make sense of it from a technical standpoint.

It is from Quora so I wouldn't take it as being based in fact. It is also from someone claiming to be an ex Security Engineering Manager at Google which I doubt is true. Don't know of too many people at that level in IT that are on Quora.

Just my 2 cents but seems to be too many red flags to give it any credit.

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They talking about some IDE and cloud where code is sending.

Intel Software Defined Silicon (SDSi) mechanism in Linux. The technology is meant for upcoming Intel Xeon processors and is designed to activate additional silicon features after a processor has been deployed.

Całość to oczywiście ogromna oszczędność dla producenta:

Intel certainly earns premium by offering workload optimized SKUs, but disabling certain features from certain models, then marking them appropriately and shipping them separately from other SKUs (shipped to the same client) is expensive — it can be tens of millions of dollars per year (or even more) of added logistical costs, not to mention the confusion added to the expansive product stack.
IBM processors have that 15 years that technology. Do what is the point? Money? Athlon and Chroń wasn't the same?

AV Linux Mx 21 best Linux for music. 14 years distribution.

Nvidia was hacked.

There is an exception to this in respect of Windows users. Accessibility software for Windows is extortionate (Jaws £699 for one licence) and will not run smoothly unless the computer has at least an i5 processor, preferably i7. Another area where GNU/Linux rules is accessibility - it's built in and free - just like the OS it is part of!

Proxmox and Zorin. Some kind virtualization on raspberry od something else?

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